El Botto

CRank: 5Score: 8900

...(drumrolls please)...


Bigger, better and more badass than Masterchief.

Available for Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii, Playstation Portable, Xbox 360 and Nintendo DS.


5152d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Viva pinata: whack da mole "minigame"

from the makers of "great" games such as Viva Pinata and Viva Pinata 2.

Viva Pinata: whack da mole will be sold seperately from Natal for 15.99

5152d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Since then, everyone who is not a fanboy, could have seen the massive decline of the 360.

They (MS) tried to hide this fact by cutting prices and doing "PS3 sucks, our version of this game is "better""- crap but one cannot hide the truth and the facts. Eventually the facts will emerge.

PS3 is simply better on every aspect. Has more varied games and genres, more exclusives, simply BETTER games, more RECOGNISED brands, Blu Ray, technologically super...

5305d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thats: HAHA

5365d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

We have Uncharted 2, xbots...you dont!


5365d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Turn 10 is a shiat, crap, cheap and a one trick lying pony.

Their words are meaningless and nothing but lies.

"but, but, but...GT5 delayed again? Well, Flopza it is then!"

As if it wasnt Flopza from the start. Someone need to tell that their game is rushed out, is only cosmetically better than Flopza 2 and that they need to shut the fk up.

"but, but, but...Polyphony Digital dropped by our booth and played our flopza game. We m...

5365d ago 25 agree4 disagreeView comment

on a downloaded file. Lmao.

Thats why xbots are considered the dumbest fanboys in the market. And thats why MS loves to whore the bots around. Why? Because MS can. Thats why.

Hahaha we have Uncharted 2...you dont, stupid xbots.

5365d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

- Damage present to to all cars in NASCAR and WCR
- Turnover damage confirmed

Flopza 3s damage system is so subpar, its hilarious.

5365d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is getting tiresome. Another 10 for Uncharted 2...

Haha! Who am I kidding?! Bring on the PERFECT 10 scores! hahaha ONLY on PS3. It only does everything.

We have Uncharted 2, xbots. What do you have?

Answer: you dont have Uncharted 2, thats what you have. Hahaha

5366d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Has Gameswire not played GT5P?

Me thinks Gameswires are stupid xbots who got burned from Flopza3. Whats the matter, xbots? You believed in the Flopza 3 bullshots and got pwned?

Halo 3 release: MS and Bungie releases BULLSHOTS
Gears 2 release: EPIC releases BULLSHOTS
Forza 2 release: MS releases BULLSHOTS
Forza 3 release: Turn 10 lied again and xbots believed their lies.

Do you see a pattern here? Smart people dont get burned. But if you...

5366d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh the quality of journalism today.

First of all, "Halo 3: ODST" isnt a franchise. Its an expansion pack of a game. The name "Halo" is the franchise. ODST is an expansion pack of the third Halo game.

Garbage article.

Second of all: gamesthirst = xbots

5366d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

Lmao epic failure from xbots.

And 85 metacritic on XBOX standard is the same as 6/10 on PS3 standards.

9.5/10 on PS3 standard is the same as 13/10 on XBOX standard.

5366d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

CoD MW 360 total sales 7.8 million
COD PS3 total sales: 4.6 million

PS3 total install base at end of March 2008: 11.1 million
360 total install base at the end of March 2008: 16.7 million

PS3 attach rate CODMW: 41%
360 attach rate CODMW: 46%


As you can see in the attach rate, there wasnt actually any difference (a mere 5% advantage on the 360 which was expected as the 360 is the home of the shooting genre). ...

5366d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haha bots. Take a good look at what we get? We have the definitive racer.

You have a Mario Kart clone.

5366d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just look at how sick the art style is in this game. How dark, mature and epic.

Dont dissapoint us, SE.

5366d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Flopza 3 cant and should not be compared to GT5. GT5 is king.

Flopza should be compared to Mario Kart.

5366d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Flopza needs to be compared with Mario Kart.

5366d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even if one would compare gears 2 with gears 1, you would see that it still has the same low res characters and objects, lots of bloom, and low textures.

In other words, gears 2 is only cosmetically upgraded compared to gears 1.

Everyone who claims 360 is not maxed out, is ridiculous. What happened to the "10x more polys than flopza 2" claim? If its not maxed out, than why didnt they do it?
What happened to the "alan wake will show da 360s powa a...

5366d ago 16 agree5 disagreeView comment

Gran Turismo is the KING. Go look at some of the vids. Jeezus, you can barely tell whether youre looking at a race or you are looking at a game. GT is being compared to REALITY.

Flopza in the meantime is being compared to Mario Kart...

Just look at the stats. Flopza is not even close to even 10% of GT5.

Gran Turismo:
- 950 cars
- over 70 tracks including 20 REAL tracks. The model, scope, size and accuracy of these tracks are off the charts. T...

5366d ago 28 agree0 disagreeView comment

halo sales dropped.

5366d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment